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REDCO GRC Mix Design

The mix design has been prepared and submitted for approval keeping in view the following factors.

Water Content (Water Cement Ratio)

The water content has been kept as low as possible as adding more water reduces the strength of GRC units. Water reducing and super plasticiser Rheubuild 2000 M will be used @ 0.5%. The data sheet is already submitted for your approval.

Adequate and Appropriate Type of Glass-fibre

Cem-fil 61/1 roving with continuos filament fibres will be used instead of chopped strand @ 3.6% of mix. It is not advisable to use less than 3% for adequate mechanical properties. The data sheet for cem-file continuos fibre roving is already submitted for approval, along-with the mix design.

Sand/Cement Ratio

Higher cement/sand ratios as recommended will be used @ 1:1 to reduce shrinkage in the panels.